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Online Inventory - Inventory Listing

Show off your vehicles in our attractive, easy to use online inventory interface. This page lists your vehicles, their photos as well as a brief description. This allows your customers to choose which vehicles they'd like more information about or to check off vehicles for comparisons. The inventory page is designed to be easy to use for novice web users as well as to give experienced users what they've come to expect.

Our Dealer Control Panel puts you in control of what information is displayed. Information such as prices, miles, certification status and warranty can all be hidden or shown instantly.

1. Let our web masters brand your online inventory with you logo, slogan, or other dealer specific item. WNYMotors systems are designed, maintained and updated 100% in-house, providing us unprecidented control of how your vehicles are displayed.

2. Vehicle titles allow you to give a briew description of each vehicle. Provides the dealership another way to tout their vehicles and to increase buyer awareness and confidence.

3. The sort and listings options permit your customers to optimize their vieiwing experience to fit their needs and internet speed. The sort feature sorts the vehicle comparison by several criteria. The dealer has the option to set the default for both the sort criteria and the listings per page cfriteria in the Dealer Control Panel.

4. Your customers will be able to easily navigate from page to page or jump several pages at once. Shows what page they are currently on, and how many pages the invenotory consists of.

5. To compare vehicles side-by-side, check off the desired vehicles and click the compare button. This will direct you to a new page that has all the selected vehicles compared side-by-side.

6. This page has the dealership's name, location and contact information printed on the bottom of it. This ensure that if this page is printed your customers will know how to contact your store.

7. Features such as redundant links and buttons provide easy navigation. Our online inventory is designed to be easy to used for your novice web users as well as to give experienced users what they've come to expect.

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